Monday, September 21, 2009

Vacation vs. Reality

Well folks, vacation is officially over.  Granted, we came home on the 12th.  But, I can confirm that this week back has been so packed that our vacation is truly over!  For the first time in a few years we took a week long vacay.  This year, just as last, we went to Seagrove, FL to a condo on the beach.  I am not sure who was more excited...LitlBit or the husband!  We successfully built sand castles at minimum every morning until lunch.  LitlBit was in sandcastle heaven!  Her major complaint though was that we never did find the Little Mermaid.  Oh well, I suppose no vacation is perfect!  It was nice to have no interruptions and be able to have fun as a family.  We had dinner at our favorite place in Destin, The Crab Trap.  I am in love with that place.  For me it is the perfect atmosphere with or without kids.  Laid back, no frills, but wonderful food!  We also got take-out from Pizzas by the Sea.  I cannot wait to go back there next year!  Every Friday night they have trivia night!   Hula-hoops and sidewalk chalk is out for the kids.  It was a really neat place and the food was great!  The whole week we could not have asked for better weather!  Go-carts with dad and sand castles with mom!  LitlBit had lots of fun!  She was ready to come home though.  At the end she was missing our fur babies.  Lucky for us (and them really) a former student came and stayed at our house for the week.  They had a buddy and we did not have a vet bill for boarding.  A total win-win situation if you ask me!  Then it was Birmingham.

Our first week back has been in one word busy!  The office seemed to be saving things for me to do I believe!  Meetings and meetings and meetings oh my!  Applications...fairs...preview days...all in one week.  It is a good thing I love my job because I certainly had enough of it this past week!  As if the week wasn't enough to manage then came Friday.  Now, most people look forward to Fridays.  I normally am that person.  However, when I went home on Thursday I was not that person.  I felt like something was amiss.  I did not really know what but it was.  Friday was going to be a jam packed day there was no denying.  We were having a fair that day so I was prepared for the worst in terms of lots to do.  But, that morning was even worse than I expected.  I was not feeling well at all. choice...get up...put your big girl panties on and deal with it.  So I did.  Unfortunately, LitlBit decided she did not feel well either.  At about 10:30 in the morning she came home with a fever. I finally came home from work (after running a million get off early at 3:30 turned into getting home at 6:30...funny how that happens) and LitlBit and I curled up on the bed and slept.  Saturday and I had to sell the university at preview day.  Daddy went to a football game so that left LitlBit with grandma.  By the end of the day she and I crashed again.  Two days later still the same story...only add Daddy to it. The whole house is sick.  Took LitlBit to the doc and is the flu.  Yuck!  The flu!  Our whole house with the flu at one time.  Now this is not good!  Tomorrow is another day of home it appears.  We had a week of family for a week of family yuck!  Let's see how we fare!