Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tomorrow Is Another Day!

Life began quite hectic this morning. I decided since I was running late to do it in style and get my license renewed. LitlBit must have read my mind in her sleep because it did not happen. Instead, she woke up hot as hot can be. When I took her temperature I knew we were in for a day! So, 8:00 o'clock comes and it is time to cancel meetings and make a doctor's appointment. I probably would not have even made the appointment but she said her throat "bothered" her. Days like today I am so thankful for my job! I have a boss who is completely understanding (the 3rd in a line of bosses at my university...guess I am lucky). He has told me long ago if I want to stay home with Anna or work from home some that is not a problem. In his words- she needs me more than the office. So, like I said, I am lucky. Back to the day though. After canceling my working day I made an appointment with Doc Jolly. LitlBit loves Doc Jolly! She talks about him everyday we drive past his office. So, this morning when she did not feel good she immediately said, "Mommy, I go see Doc Jolly. He make me better. He made my ear better and he can make my throat better." We lounged around until 11 o'clock or so waiting for the appointment. Poor little thing was pitiful! As soon as we gto there he did a strep test first. When he came back in ....the verdict's strep. So, we are having our first experience with strep. It is not one I look forward to repeating either! We got her antibiotic (along with her "sick" know...books, crayons, anything to help out!) and headed home. She took a fairly long nap late this afternoon. However, she is not liking her antibiotic at in the a.m. I get to call and request Omnicef. I thought I could get away with the cheaper antibiotic but her little tummy just does not like it. So, it is back to the arm and a leg antibiotic! She was much more herself this afternoon though. Looks like it will be another day of movies (just got Oliver and Company the other day...I think we successfully have ever movie good 'ole Walt has put out...and a bunch he didn't) and coloring at home. Just crossing my fingers that mommy or daddy does not get it next! I hope she will continue to see improvement over the next couple of days. I believe we are over the worst day. So, she should. We shall see though...after all tomorrow is another day!

I have to post some photos Anna took earlier. For Christmas my mom got her the Kid Tough Digital Camera. She loves it (just like mommy)! She got it out late this afternoon and was taking photos. Afterwards, I decided to upload them. It is really neat to see what she takes pictures of and how she does. Of course there are some you have to turn your head ninety degrees to figure it out but there are plenty that are right on target! For three years old I think she is doing pretty good. You have to remember though- this is a kid camera. So, when you look at the photos the pixels are like at 5.0 or less (can't really remember).

Photobucket This is our cat, Spencer. He is not looking too happy. If you look really close you can tell he has a necklace on!


This was taken last week. I was sick when she took this. So, here is me being lazy and lounging on the couch sans makeup!

Photobucket Another of Spencer...this time up-close and personal!

It appears as though the love of photography has passed to LitlBit! She is funny when she takes one too. She has to get it just right! She is in love with her camera. Now mommy on the other hand has been having a love affair with a different camera. It is still a love affair from afar for now though. I have been lusting after the Nikon D90 since Christmas now. I cannot pull the trigger on it though. Hubby found it online on sale (a really good one too) tonight. But, I still can't do it. Who knows, I may find myself at a weak moment. Just me and the D90 together...and then I decide to bring it home to meet the family. I know one thing though...I am in love with it from afar! SO many features!!! It is a DLSR so it is the ultimate for a camera. Right now I have a Nikon SLR that I have been dusting off here and there. It is an awesome camera. But, being able to have the features of an SLR but the convenience of a digital would be fabulous. My digital is starting to show its wear in terms of photos. It is still a great camera (Canon Powershot something or another) but has just been used a great deal). So, I have decided that my next camera will be a DSLR...just not sure when that next camera will come home! I would like to pursue some sort of photography in my free time (is there really such a thing as free time?). If this camera became a member of the family I think I would be more apt to pursue this...who knows. Today I lust though! Tomorrow is another day...

PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket