Friday, February 13, 2009

The Accidental Family Member

As some of you may (or may not) know LitlBit has strep. Well, she was diagnosed on Wednesday. So, in theory she does not anymore...or she is not contagious...or something! We have successfully been in the house for 48 hours. Mommy was about to go stir crazy! Early this morning her fever came back. This is after a whole day free of fever mind you. She took her medicine, rested and by mid-morning her fever left. LitlBit was back to her ways! I decided late this afternoon we had to get out. If only to drive around the neighborhood I had to get out of the house! I decided the box of donations to the thrift store were not going to get there by themselves. So, we put them in the car and headed out. The plan: drop off the donations and come home...get a bit of fresh air/freedom. Now, that may have been the plan but that is not all that happened!

Lucky me (insert sarcasm here) found a really close parking spot, so I pulled in. As we were getting ready to get out of the car (you know...the standard get out of carseat, take off her glasses, put the toys down...that sort of thing) I noticed that a mother and son were taking pictures behind my car with a cell phone. Now, I know that it takes me awhile to get out of the car...and I also know my car is old and has been having "medical" issues lately. But, why oh why would either of those things cause a mobile upload? I get out with LitlBit holding hands and see what they saw...a mouse...a And it was sitting there squeaking for all it was worth but not dare moving. Well LitlBit was in 7th heaven! "A mousey mommy--a mousey!" And she was bent down looking in excitement (right beside the car mind you)... it was said...the little boy spoke up..."Mommy, there is blood by the car. I think that is the mommy." Well what does my three year old do? Well of course...she turns her head and looks under the rear bumper of the car. "Mommy mommy!" Oh boy! If only I had opted to get exercise today! If only that little boy had kept his mouth shut! I sat LitlBit on the hood of the trunk and took a peep...looks like I took out Stewart Little's family and Stewart was soon to follow if I didn't pick him up. So, what do I do...yep...we now have a new member in our family. The mouse went in my pocket and we proceeded into the thrift store for a cheap mouse house. In case you are wondering there were no mouse houses in the thrift store (although LitlBit thought that a Barbie townhouse would have been perfect!). So, mouse in pocket and three year old in tow we went to the pet store. And...we came out a poor person! Although, I did draw the line on the princess carriage for mousey- to LitlBit's dismay (she already had planned on putting her Snow White Barbie princess crown on the mouse so it could ride the carriage). Mouse-mouse now is the proud owner of a mini-cage and a name...Jolly. Yes, if you read my prior post you will notice the direct resemblance in name to LitlBit's pediatrician. I told you she loved him! Right now Jolly is asleep in his cage. His eyes are open so I am hoping that he can nibble a bit (or at least drink the milk from the food holder) because the animal bottles are WAY to big for this animal! If not, we may have to take him to Wildlife Rescue tomorrow. I have no qualms with keeping him but I do not want to murder the last living relative in this mouse family! If that happens (take him to Wildlife...not murder him) I will take LitlBit to get a mouse or gerbil or rat or something rodent like from the pet store. But, for now Jolly is sleeping away. So is our cat. Hope they don't find each other! Spencer is on a strict diet now if they do meet up...any idea how many calories are in a field mouse?

Photobucket LitlBit petting McMousey as Daddy holds him...

LitlBit and her new friend. Isn't he tiny?!Photobucket

Photobucket The new house...small for now but I am sure if Jolly stays it will grow bigger!


Shopping Golightly said...

Sorry to have to come in on the comments. Just FYI, I'm adding you to The Thrifty Chick sister blog, Mommy Golightly. Have you checked that out? Thrifty Chicks has weighed heavily on my networking time symbolically leaving Mommy a bit stretched and possibly neglected.