Saturday, January 17, 2009

It is Sunday of this wacky crazy world and I am in Norway. For those that don't know me let me backtrack on this! Last week I came to London for work. I know- pitiful me! However, it was not the easiest thing to do. I arrived last Friday and am staying at the flat which our college owns. It is a pretty nice place as it is really close to the mass transit. So far, I have spent all of my money on food and wine! Went to Canterbury with the students yesterday. It was quite interesting. I wish I had more time there to take in everything. A co-worker and I flew out to Oslo, Norway yesterday. We arrived at 10:00 and it took two hours to get from the airport to the city. Yes you read that right...two hours. then we arrived in the middle of a closed city not knowing where in dodge our hotel was. We went to a cabbie and showed him the address. His response was that he did not know but get in and he would find it. Yeah right! We went to another and he knew. We made it to the hotel at like one in the morning. The exchange rate here is about 7 kronie to 1 dollar. Sounds good...right. Wrong! Taxes are 25%! One coke is 24 kronie...dinner at Hard Rock for two was 510 kronie...this is more expensive than London (if that is possible). Well, it is one in the morning and I am up... not much more juice for the old lappy. I will post pictures tomorrow night when I get back to London...and my power cord!